Goddess VIII by Isaac Opoku is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Goddess VIII
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The piece was created to honor the amazing, hardworking women of Afrika who go above & beyond to care for their families & communities.
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The Goddess series was created to honor Afrikan women, especially the Ghanaian woman who [literally] carries her family on her back, everyday and in every way.
These strong women in my eyes are Goddesses in their own right and for me it is extremely unfortunate that my society often fails to recognize this fact, treating these divine beings as second-class citizens.
In Sub-Saharan Africa for example, women, who produce about 60-70% of the food in this region, perform more than 50% of the agricultural activity. Yet given the harsh gender inequalities and outdated patriarchal norms, these goddesses are not afforded the respect and reverence they deserve.
Pieces in this series were designed to help create some more awareness about the need to honor the woman – the wombman – who is the carrier of human life.